AirQuality ========== The AirQuality Service provides access to real-time air quality data using the AirNowAPI. For more information, check out .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: :caption: RPC Categories RPCS ---- .. function:: AirQuality.qualityIndex(latitude: Latitude, longitude: Longitude) Get air quality index of closest reporting location for coordinates **Arguments:** - ``latitude: Latitude`` (`Latitude `__) - latitude of location - ``longitude: Longitude`` (`Longitude `__) - Longitude of location **Returns:** ``Number`` (`Number `__) - AQI of closest station .. function:: AirQuality.qualityIndexByZipCode(zipCode: BoundedInteger<0, 99999>) Get air quality index of closest reporting location for ZIP code **Arguments:** - ``zipCode: BoundedInteger<0, 99999>`` (`BoundedInteger `__) - ZIP code of location **Returns:** ``Number`` (`Number `__) - AQI of closest station