Wildcam ======= Wildcam provides access to wildlife images from around the world. Current data sources: - `Zooniverse `__ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: :caption: RPC Categories RPCS ---- .. function:: Wildcam.getCameras(latitude: Latitude?, longitude: Longitude?, radius: BoundedNumber<0>?) Returns all the cameras that are stored in the database, optionally filtering by proximity to a central location. **Arguments:** - ``latitude: Latitude?`` (`Latitude `__) - Filters results to only cameras within a given distance from a central location. Requires ``longitude`` and ``radius`` also be set. - ``longitude: Longitude?`` (`Longitude `__) - Filters results to only cameras within a given distance from a central location. Requires ``latitude`` and ``radius`` also be set. - ``radius: BoundedNumber<0>?`` (`BoundedNumber `__) - Filters results to only cameras within a given distance (in meters) from a central location. Requires ``latitude`` and ``longitude`` also be set. **Returns:** ``List`` (`List `__ | `Object `__) - All found cameras .. function:: Wildcam.getImage(entry: Object) Gets the image associated with a given entry. The provided entry should be exactly the format that was returned by one of the various search RPCs in this service. **Arguments:** - ``entry: Object`` (`Object `__) - The search entry to get an image of **Returns:** ``Image`` (`Image `__) - The snapshot associated with the given entry .. function:: Wildcam.getSpeciesList() Returns all the valid species that can be used by :func:`Wildcam.search`. **Returns:** ``List`` (`List `__ | `Species `__) - All valid species in alphabetical order. .. function:: Wildcam.search(startDate: Date?, stopDate: Date?, species: Species?, latitude: Latitude?, longitude: Longitude?, radius: BoundedNumber<0>?) Searches the database for wildlife camera entries. Each return value includes information about the contents of its associated image. You can pass an entry to :func:`Wildcam.getImage` to get the actual image being described. **Arguments:** - ``startDate: Date?`` (`Date `__) - The earliest date to include in the results. If omitted, no starting cutoff is used for filtering. - ``stopDate: Date?`` (`Date `__) - The latest date to include in the results. If omitted, no stopping cutoff is used for filtering. - ``species: Species?`` (`Species `__) - Filters results to only entries which contained the requested species. If omitted, no species filtering is performed. - ``latitude: Latitude?`` (`Latitude `__) - Filters results to only entries within a given distance from a central location. Requires ``longitude`` and ``radius`` also be set. - ``longitude: Longitude?`` (`Longitude `__) - Filters results to only entries within a given distance from a central location. Requires ``latitude`` and ``radius`` also be set. - ``radius: BoundedNumber<0>?`` (`BoundedNumber `__) - Filters results to only entries within a given distance (in meters) from a central location. Requires ``latitude`` and ``longitude`` also be set. **Returns:** ``List`` (`List `__ | `Object `__) - All data entries matching the search, in chronological order .. function:: Wildcam.searchByCamera(startDate: Date?, stopDate: Date?, species: Species?, camera: Object?) Equivalent to :func:`Wildcam.search`, but can filter to only images taken by a specific camera. **Arguments:** - ``startDate: Date?`` (`Date `__) - The earliest date to include in the results. If omitted, no starting cutoff is used for filtering. - ``stopDate: Date?`` (`Date `__) - The latest date to include in the results. If omitted, no stopping cutoff is used for filtering. - ``species: Species?`` (`Species `__) - Filters results to only entries which contained the requested species. If omitted, no species filtering is performed. - ``camera: Object?`` (`Object `__) - Filters results to only entries taken by a specific camera. If omitted, no camera-based filtering is performed.