Command Line Interface

The NetsBlox CLI can be used to manage your NetsBlox account and/or deployment. This page is a short primer on getting started with the CLI.

Getting Started

The CLI has fairly comprehensive coverage of the cloud API. The easiest way to learn more about the CLI is to simply type partial commands and use the “–help” flag :) . A few examples are shown below.

netsblox # prints the supported subcommands including groups, friends, libraries, etc
netsblox login # authenticate as a NetsBlox user. Required for most other commands
netsblox users # prints the subcommands pertaining to user-management
netsblox users set-password -h # prints info about setting the current user's password.

The CLI is designed to be “current user-centric”. Every command will assume it should be run in the context of the current authenticated user. For example, listing projects will list the current user’s projects. To perform a command in the context of another user, add the “–user” flag as shown below.

netsblox projects list --user brian

Example Usage: Setting up a Summer Camp/Course

First, you likely want to create a group for the students as shown below.

netsblox groups create MyFirstGroup

Now we should be able to confirm the group was created successfully with:

netsblox groups list

There are a few benefits to setting up user accounts in a group: - Group owners can manage member accounts. This includes viewing projects, resetting passwords, importing starter projects, etc. - It creates a “sandbox” for users. Students can only message others within the group.

After creating the group, we can start adding user accounts to group:


We can run this command for each student we would like to add. If you are comfortable with bash scripts or batch files, these commands can be listed in a file which runs them all at once and creates the accounts quickly. Regardless, we can confirm the members have been created with:

netsblox groups members MyFirstGroup

Downloading Student Projects

If we know the name of a project for a student that we would like to retrieve, we can download it locally using:

netsblox projects export PROJECT_NAME --user SOME_STUDENT_USERNAME

Adding Starter Projects

We also might want to set the accounts up with some starter projects. The following command will import a local project file to a student account:

netsblox projects import FILENAME --user SOME_STUDENT_USERNAME

Resetting Passwords

We can reset our password, or the password of a member of one of our groups, with:

netsblox users set-password NEW_PASSWORD --user SOME_STUDENT_USERNAME

Omitting the “–user” option will reset your own password.

Example Usage: Development

The CLI is useful for managing deployments and can be particularly useful when developing locally. It supports switching between multiple hosts easily and comes preloaded with the main NetsBlox cloud and local development (using the default configuration). A few examples are shown below.

netsblox host list # list the hosts
netsblox host use local # connect to another cloud (in this case, "local")
netsblox host add customCloud http://localhost:8080 # add a new host

Adding Custom Service Hosts

NetsBlox supports registering custom providers of NetsBlox Services, referred to as “Service Hosts.” Service Hosts are simply REST APIs which conform to the expected NetsBlox API. Every NetsBlox cloud deployment needs at least one public service host configured. Furthermore, private service hosts can be registered for individual users or groups (ie, classes or summer camps). Service hosts can be added using the CLI as well (shown below).

netsblox service-hosts list -u USERNAME # List the service hosts for USERNAME
netsblox service-hosts authorize NetsBloxServices --public # Authorize (and register) a new public service for the deployment called "NetsBloxServices"
netsblox service-hosts register MyServices --user USERNAME # Register a (private) service host for USERNAME
netsblox service-hosts register MyServices --group GROUP_NAME # Register a (private) service host for the group GROUP_NAME (owned by the current user)
netsblox service-hosts register MyServices --group GROUP_NAME --user USERNAME # Register a (private) service host for the group named GROUP_NAME (owned by USERNAME)