RPC Argument Types

class Align(Enum<left, center, right>)

The strategy for aligning text in a PhoneIoT control such as PhoneIoT.addLabel().

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): left, center, right

class Any()

A value of any type.

class List(Any)

A list of (zero or more) values.

Base Type: Any()

class ArrestAgeCategory(Enum<All, Under 10, 10-12, 13-14, 15, 16, ...>)

A statistical category for the age of a perpetrator in the FBICrimeData service.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): All, Under 10, 10-12, 13-14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65 and over

class ArrestCategory(Enum<violent crime, property crime, gambling, society, all>)

Reason for arrest or type of crime.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): violent crime, property crime, gambling, society, all

class ArticleSection(Enum<Arts, Automobiles, Books, Business, Climate, Education, ...>)

The type of article to retrieve from the NewYorkTimes service.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Arts, Automobiles, Books, Business, Climate, Education, Fashion, Food, Health, Home, Insider, Magazine, Movies, New York Region, Obituaries, Opinion, Politics, Real Estate, Science, Sports, Sunday Review, Technology, Theater, T Magazine, Travel, Upshot, US, World, U.S.

class Audio(Any)

Any audio clip

Base Type: Any()

class BPM(Enum<70BPM, 80BPM, 90BPM, 100BPM, 110BPM>)

List of available BPMs

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): 70BPM, 80BPM, 90BPM, 100BPM, 110BPM

class BestSellerList(Enum<Combined Print & E-Book Fiction, Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction, Hardcover Fiction, Hardcover Nonfiction, Paperback Trade Fiction, Paperback Mass-Market Fiction, ...>)

An item from the NewYorkTimes service’s best sellers list.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Combined Print & E-Book Fiction, Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction, Hardcover Fiction, Hardcover Nonfiction, Paperback Trade Fiction, Paperback Mass-Market Fiction, Paperback Nonfiction, E-Book Fiction, E-Book Nonfiction, Hardcover Advice & Misc., Paperback Advice & Misc., Advice, How-To & Miscellaneous, Hardcover Graphic Books, Paperback Graphic Books, Manga, Combined Hardcover & Paperback Fiction, Combined Hardcover & Paperback Nonfiction, Children’s Chapter Books, Children’s Middle Grade, Children’s Middle Grade E-Book, Children’s Middle Grade Hardcover, Children’s Middle Grade Paperback, Children’s Paperback Books, Children’s Picture Books, Children’s Series, Young Adult, Young Adult E-Book, Young Adult Hardcover, Young Adult Paperback, Animals, Audio Fiction, Audio Nonfiction, Business, Celebrities, Crime and Punishment, Culture, Education, Espionage, Expeditions, Fashion, Manners and Customs, Food and Diet, Games and Activities, Graphic Books and Manga, Hardcover Business Books, Health, Humor, Indigenous Americans, Love and Relationships, Mass Market, Middle Grade Paperback, Paperback Business Books, Parenthood and Family, Politics and American History, Race and Civil Rights, Religion, Spirituality and Faith, Science, Sports and Fitness, Travel

class Boolean(Enum<true, false>)

A true or false value.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): true, false

class BoundedInteger(BoundedNumber)

An integer with a minimum and/or maximum value.

Base Type: BoundedNumber()

class BoundedNumber(Number)

A number with a minimum and/or maximum value.

Base Type: Number()

class BoundedString(String)

A string (text) with a minimum and/or maximum length.

Base Type: String()

class ButtonStyle(Enum<rectangle, ellipse, square, circle>)

The style to use for displaying a PhoneIoT button, as created by PhoneIoT.addButton().

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): rectangle, ellipse, square, circle

class CatBreed(Enum<Abyssinian, Aegean, AmericanBobtail, AmericanCurl, AmericanShorthair, AmericanWirehair, ...>)

List of cat breeds supported by the API

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Abyssinian, Aegean, AmericanBobtail, AmericanCurl, AmericanShorthair, AmericanWirehair, ArabianMau, AustralianMist, Balinese, Bambino, Bengal, Birman, Bombay, BritishLonghair, BritishShorthair, Burmese, Burmilla, CaliforniaSpangled, ChantillyTiffany, Chartreux, Chausie, Cheetoh, ColorpointShorthair, CornishRex, Cymric, Cyprus, DevonRex, Donskoy, DragonLi, EgyptianMau, EuropeanBurmese, ExoticShorthair, HavanaBrown, Himalayan, JapaneseBobtail, Javanese, KhaoManee, Korat, Kurilian, LaPerm, MaineCoon, Malayan, Manx, Munchkin, Nebelung, NorwegianForestCat, Ocicat, Oriental, Persian, Pixiebob, Ragamuffin, Ragdoll, RussianBlue, Savannah, ScottishFold, SelkirkRex, Siamese, Siberian, Singapura, Snowshoe, Somali, Sphynx, Tonkinese, Toyger, TurkishAngora, TurkishVan, YorkChocolate

class Chords(Enum<1564, 1251, 3625>)

List of available ChordProgressions

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): 1564, 1251, 3625

class Color(Integer)

A color code used by PhoneIoT. You can create color codes with PhoneIoT.getColor().

Base Type: Integer()

class ColorScheme(Enum<Black and White, Original, Universal Blue, TITAN, The Weather Channel, Meteored, ...>)

A color scheme for an overlay provided by the RainViewer service. For more information, check out the Rain Viewer documentation.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Black and White, Original, Universal Blue, TITAN, The Weather Channel, Meteored, NEXRAD Level III, Rainbow @ SELEX-IS, Dark Sky

class ConceptType(Enum<Descriptor, Location, Person, Organization, Public Company, Title, ...>)

They type of information to retrieve from the NewYorkTimes service.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Descriptor, Location, Person, Organization, Public Company, Title, Topic

class Date(String)

A calendar date.

Base Type: String()

class DateFormat(Enum<traditional, fractional>)

Type of date format to return from /services/FinancialData/index. This is either traditional, which is a human-readable format, or fractional, which is the year plus a fractional component representing the month, day, etc. into said year. fractional is useful for plotting data using Chart.draw().

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): traditional, fractional

class DayWeekOrMonth(Enum<day, week, month>)

A time period used by the NewYorkTimes service.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): day, week, month

class Device(BoundedString<4, 12>)

A PhoneIoT device ID. The device must be connected to be valid.

Base Type: BoundedString()

class DogBreed(Enum<Affenpinscher, AfghanHound, AfricanHuntingDog, AiredaleTerrier, AkbashDog, Akita, ...>)

List of dog breeds supported by the API

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Affenpinscher, AfghanHound, AfricanHuntingDog, AiredaleTerrier, AkbashDog, Akita, AlapahaBlueBloodBulldog, AlaskanHusky, AlaskanMalamute, AmericanBulldog, AmericanBully, AmericanEskimoDog, AmericanEskimoDogMiniature, AmericanFoxhound, AmericanPitBullTerrier, AmericanStaffordshireTerrier, AmericanWaterSpaniel, AnatolianShepherdDog, AppenzellerSennenhund, AustralianCattleDog, AustralianKelpie, AustralianShepherd, AustralianTerrier, Azawakh, Barbet, Basenji, BassetBleudeGascogne, BassetHound, Beagle, BeardedCollie, Beauceron, BedlingtonTerrier, BelgianMalinois, BelgianTervuren, BerneseMountainDog, BichonFrise, BlackandTanCoonhound, Bloodhound, BluetickCoonhound, Boerboel, BorderCollie, BorderTerrier, BostonTerrier, BouvierdesFlandres, Boxer, BoykinSpaniel, BraccoItaliano, Briard, Brittany, BullTerrier, BullTerrierMiniature, Bullmastiff, CairnTerrier, CaneCorso, CardiganWelshCorgi, CatahoulaLeopardDog, CaucasianShepherdOvcharka, CavalierKingCharlesSpaniel, ChesapeakeBayRetriever, ChineseCrested, ChineseSharPei, Chinook, ChowChow, ClumberSpaniel, CockerSpaniel, CockerSpanielAmerican, CotondeTulear, Dalmatian, DobermanPinscher, DogoArgentino, DutchShepherd, EnglishSetter, EnglishShepherd, EnglishSpringerSpaniel, EnglishToySpaniel, EnglishToyTerrier, Eurasier, FieldSpaniel, FinnishLapphund, FinnishSpitz, FrenchBulldog, GermanPinscher, GermanShepherdDog, GermanShorthairedPointer, GiantSchnauzer, GlenofImaalTerrier, GoldenRetriever, GordonSetter, GreatDane, GreatPyrenees, Greyhound, GriffonBruxellois, Harrier, Havanese, IrishSetter, IrishTerrier, IrishWolfhound, ItalianGreyhound, JapaneseChin, JapaneseSpitz, Keeshond, Komondor, Kooikerhondje, Kuvasz, LabradorRetriever, LagottoRomagnolo, LancashireHeeler, Leonberger, LhasaApso, Maltese, MiniatureAmericanShepherd, MiniaturePinscher, MiniatureSchnauzer, Newfoundland, NorfolkTerrier, NorwichTerrier, NovaScotiaDuckTollingRetriever, OldEnglishSheepdog, OldeEnglishBulldogge, Papillon, Pekingese, PembrokeWelshCorgi, PerrodePresaCanario, PharaohHound, Plott, Pomeranian, PoodleMiniature, PoodleToy, Pug, Puli, Pumi, RatTerrier, RedboneCoonhound, RhodesianRidgeback, Rottweiler, RussianToy, SaintBernard, Saluki, Samoyed, Schipperke, ScottishDeerhound, ScottishTerrier, ShetlandSheepdog, ShibaInu, ShihTzu, ShilohShepherd, SiberianHusky, SilkyTerrier, SmoothFoxTerrier, SoftCoatedWheatenTerrier, SpanishWaterDog, SpinoneItaliano, StaffordshireBullTerrier, StandardSchnauzer, SwedishVallhund, ThaiRidgeback, TibetanMastiff, TibetanSpaniel, TibetanTerrier, ToyFoxTerrier, TreeingWalkerCoonhound, Vizsla, Weimaraner, WelshSpringerSpaniel, WestHighlandWhiteTerrier, Whippet, WhiteShepherd, WireFoxTerrier, WirehairedPointingGriffon, WirehairedVizsla, Xoloitzcuintli, YorkshireTerrier

class DrumOneShotTypes(Enum<Kick, Snare, Toms, HiHat, Clap, Cymbal, ...>)

List of available One-Shot Types

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Kick, Snare, Toms, HiHat, Clap, Cymbal, Percussion, FX

class DrumPackName(Enum<Peace, UK, US, DSS>)

List of available Drum Packs

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Peace, UK, US, DSS

class Duration(String)

A length of time such as 1min or 5hr + 12s

Base Type: String()

class Enum(String)

A string with a restricted set of valid values.

Base Type: String()

class EquityField(Enum<all, open, high, low, close, volume>)

A specific field of equity data to return from /services/FinancialData/index.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): all, open, high, low, close, volume

class Fit(Enum<fit, zoom, stretch>)

The strategy for positioning an image in a PhoneIoT image display, as created by PhoneIoT.addImageDisplay().

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): fit, zoom, stretch

class FontSize(BoundedNumber<0.1, 10.0>)

The font size of text in a PhoneIoT control.

Base Type: BoundedNumber()

class Function(Any)

A block of code that can be executed.

Base Type: Any()

class Image(Any)

Any image

Base Type: Any()

class InstrumentNames(Enum<AcousticGuitar, BoardingArea, BrightDigitalChords, BrightSynthBrass, ChilledClav, ClassicElectricPiano, ...>)

List of available Instruments

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): AcousticGuitar, BoardingArea, BrightDigitalChords, BrightSynthBrass, ChilledClav, ClassicElectricPiano, ClassicSuitcase, ClassicSuitcasePiano, CloudyPluckedSynth, DreamSinesPad, DriftingPulsations, FadedKeys, FingerstyleBass, FutureFeelsBrass, GhostlyReversedOrgan, JazzOrgan, Liverpool, PulsatingWaves, Saxophone, SolidSoulElectricBass, SunriseChords, Steinway, ToyPiano, 80sWaveBells, 90sSolidSynthBass

class Instruments(Enum<Piano, Synth, Bass>)

List of available Instruments

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Piano, Synth, Bass

class Integer(Number)

A whole number.

Base Type: Number()

class Intent(Object<name, utterances, slots, handler>)

An object that holds information about an Alexa intent.

Base Type: Object()


  • name: String

  • utterances: List<String>?

  • slots: List<Slot>?

  • handler: Function

class Keys(Enum<C, C#, D, Eb, E, F, ...>)

List of available keys

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): C, C#, D, Eb, E, F, F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B

class Latitude(BoundedNumber<-90, 90>)

A latitude position in degrees [-90, 90].

Base Type: BoundedNumber()

class LegendLocation(Enum<top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, outside>)

The location of the legend in a Chart plot.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, outside

class LineType(Enum<lines, points, linespoints, impulses, dots, steps, ...>)

The style of line to use for Chart plots.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): lines, points, linespoints, impulses, dots, steps, fsteps, boxes, boxplot

class Longitude(BoundedNumber<-180, 180>)

A longitude position in degrees [-180, 180].

Base Type: BoundedNumber()

class MapType(Enum<none, roadmap, terrain, satellite>)

Possible options for generating a google static map.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): none, roadmap, terrain, satellite

class MortalityCategory(Enum<deaths 0-14, deaths 15-64, deaths 65-74, deaths 75-84, deaths 85+, deaths total, ...>)

A specific category of data in the HumanMortalityDatabase service.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): deaths 0-14, deaths 15-64, deaths 65-74, deaths 75-84, deaths 85+, deaths total, rate 0-14, rate 15-64, rate 65-74, rate 75-84, rate 85+, rate total

class MovebankSensor(Enum)

A sensor type used by Movebank.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive):

class Number(Any)

Any numeric value.

Base Type: Any()

class Object(Any)

An unordered (i.e., the order does not matter) set of named fields with values. This is constructed as a list of lists, where each inner list has two values: the field name and its corresponding value. The following is an example of structured data:

[["name", "John Doe"], ["age", 15], ["address", "123 Street Ave."]]

This is used to encode complex data such as information about a person (e.g., name, age, address, etc.) or some other “object” being described. Information like this could be stored in several ways, such as a list of just the field values (without the field names). However, storing it like an Object (with the field names) allows for the fields to be specified in any order, or potentially omitting some fields, and preserves information about what each value means.

In NetsBlox, this is also sometimes called “structured data” due to other langues (e.g., C/C++ and Rust) calling this type of data a “struct”, which is short for “structure”. Other languages, like Javascript, call this an “object”, which is the official name of the NetsBlox type.

The official Structured data library of blocks can be used to work with structured data more easily. This can be imported through the File > Libraries... menu in the NetsBlox editor, and the imported blocks show up in the Custom tab of blocks.

Base Type: Any()

class OffenseArrest(Enum<aggravated assault, all other offenses, arson, burglary, curfew, disorderly conduct, ...>)

Arrest Demographic Data

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): aggravated assault, all other offenses, arson, burglary, curfew, disorderly conduct, dui, drug grand total, drug possession marijuana, drug possession opium, drug possession other, drug possession subtotal, drug possession synthetic, drug sales marijuana, drug sales opium, drug sales other, drug sales subtotal, drug sales synthetic, drunkenness, embezzlement, forgery, fraud, gambling all other, gambling bookmaking, gambling numbers, gambling total, human trafficking commercial, human trafficking servitude, larceny, liquor laws, motor vehicle theft, murder, offense against family, prostitution, prostitution assisting, prostitution prostitution, prostitution purchasing, rape, robbery, runaway, sex offenses, simple assault, stolen property, suspicion, vagrancy, vandalism, weapons

class OffenseData(Enum<aggravated assault, all other larceny, all other offenses, animal cruelty, arson, assisting or promoting prostitution, ...>)

NIBRS Offense Count

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): aggravated assault, all other larceny, all other offenses, animal cruelty, arson, assisting or promoting prostitution, bad checks, betting, bribery, burglary breaking and entering, counterfeiting forgery, credit card automated teller machine fraud, destruction damage vandalism of property, driving under the influence, drug equipment violations, drug violations, drunkenness, embezzlement, extortion blackmail, false pretenses swindle confidence game, fondling, gambling equipment violation, hacking computer invasion, human trafficking commercial sex acts, human trafficking commercial involuntary servitude, identity theft, impersonation, incest, intimidation, justifiable homicide, kidnapping abduction, motor vehicle theft, murder and non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, operating promoting assisting gambling, curfew loitering vagrancy violations, peeping tom, pocket picking, pornography obscene material, prostitution, purchasing prostitution, purse snatching, rape, robbery, sexual assault with an object, sex offenses non forcible, shoplifting, simple assault, sodomy, sports tampering, statutory rape, stolen property offenses, theft from building, theft from coin operated machine or device, theft from motor vehicle, theft of motor vehicle-parts or accessories, weapon law violation, welfare fraud, wire fraud, not specified, liquor law violations, crime against person, crime against property, crime against society, assault offenses, homicide offenses, human trafficking offenses, sex offenses, fraud offenses, larceny theft offenses, drugs narcotic offenses, gambling offenses, prostitution offenses, all offenses

class OffenseDataOpt(Enum<count, weapons, linked offense, suspect using, criminal activity, property recovered, ...>)

Type of information to get options for offense data.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): count, weapons, linked offense, suspect using, criminal activity, property recovered, property stolen, bias

class OffenseSupplemental(Enum<burglary, robbery, not specified, motor vehicle theft, larceny>)

Supplemental Data Count

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): burglary, robbery, not specified, motor vehicle theft, larceny

class OffenseVictim(Enum<aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, homicide, rape, ...>)

NIBRS Victim Demographic Count

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, homicide, rape, robbery, arson, violent crime, property crime

class Position(BoundedNumber<0, 100>)

The position of a PhoneIoT control as a percentage of the screen from the top left corner.

Base Type: BoundedNumber()

class SensorPeriod(BoundedNumber<100>)

An update period (interval) for PhoneIoT sensors. This is used by PhoneIoT.listenToSensors() to start receiving a stream of periodic update messages.

Base Type: BoundedNumber()

class SharedCanvasColor(List<BoundedInteger, 3, 3>)

A color value used by the SharedCanvas service. This is a list of three integers [0-255] denoting the red, green, and blue (RGB) intensities.

Base Type: List()

class SharedCanvasX(Integer)

An X coordinate used by the SharedCanvas service. This should be at least zero and less then the canvas width.

Base Type: Integer()

class SharedCanvasY(Integer)

A Y coordinate used by the SharedCanvas service. This should be at least zero and less then the canvas height.

Base Type: Integer()

class Size(BoundedNumber<0, 100>)

The size of a PhoneIoT control as a percentage of the screen.

Base Type: BoundedNumber()


A category description for an Alexa skill.

Base Type: Enum()


class SliderStyle(Enum<slider, progress>)

The style to use for displaying PhoneIoT slider, as created by PhoneIoT.addSlider().

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): slider, progress

class Slot(Object<name, type>)

Structured data about a slot in an Alexa skill.

Base Type: Object()


  • name: String

  • type: SlotType


The type of slot to use in an Alexa skill.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): AMAZON.DATE, AMAZON.DURATION, AMAZON.FOUR_DIGIT_NUMBER, AMAZON.NUMBER, AMAZON.Ordinal, AMAZON.PhoneNumber, AMAZON.TIME, AMAZON.SearchQuery, AMAZON.Actor, AMAZON.AdministrativeArea, AMAZON.AggregateRating, AMAZON.Airline, AMAZON.Airport, AMAZON.Anaphor, AMAZON.Animal, AMAZON.Artist, AMAZON.AT_CITY, AMAZON.AT_REGION, AMAZON.Athlete, AMAZON.Author, AMAZON.Book, AMAZON.BookSeries, AMAZON.BroadcastChannel, AMAZON.City, AMAZON.CivicStructure, AMAZON.Color, AMAZON.Comic, AMAZON.Corporation, AMAZON.Country, AMAZON.CreativeWorkType, AMAZON.DayOfWeek, AMAZON.DE_CITY, AMAZON.DE_FIRST_NAME, AMAZON.DE_REGION, AMAZON.Dessert, AMAZON.DeviceType, AMAZON.Director, AMAZON.Drink, AMAZON.EducationalOrganization, AMAZON.EUROPE_CITY, AMAZON.EventType, AMAZON.Festival, AMAZON.FictionalCharacter, AMAZON.FinancialService, AMAZON.FirstName, AMAZON.Food, AMAZON.FoodEstablishment, AMAZON.Game, AMAZON.GB_CITY, AMAZON.GB_FIRST_NAME, AMAZON.GB_REGION, AMAZON.Genre, AMAZON.Landform, AMAZON.LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings, AMAZON.Language, AMAZON.LocalBusiness, AMAZON.LocalBusinessType, AMAZON.MedicalOrganization, AMAZON.Month, AMAZON.Movie, AMAZON.MovieSeries, AMAZON.MovieTheater, AMAZON.MusicAlbum, AMAZON.MusicCreativeWorkType, AMAZON.MusicEvent, AMAZON.MusicGroup, AMAZON.Musician, AMAZON.MusicPlaylist, AMAZON.MusicRecording, AMAZON.MusicVenue, AMAZON.MusicVideo, AMAZON.Organization, AMAZON.Person, AMAZON.PostalAddress, AMAZON.Professional, AMAZON.ProfessionalType, AMAZON.RadioChannel, AMAZON.Region, AMAZON.RelativePosition, AMAZON.Residence, AMAZON.Room, AMAZON.ScreeningEvent, AMAZON.Service, AMAZON.SocialMediaPlatform, AMAZON.SoftwareApplication, AMAZON.SoftwareGame, AMAZON.Sport, AMAZON.SportsEvent, AMAZON.SportsTeam, AMAZON.StreetAddress, AMAZON.StreetName, AMAZON.TelevisionChannel, AMAZON.TVEpisode, AMAZON.TVSeason, AMAZON.TVSeries, AMAZON.US_CITY, AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME, AMAZON.US_STATE, AMAZON.VideoGame, AMAZON.VisualModeTrigger, AMAZON.WeatherCondition, AMAZON.WrittenCreativeWorkType

class Species(Enum<aardvark, baboon, bird (other), buffalo, bushbuck, bushpig, ...>)

The species of animal in an image provided by Wildcam.search().

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): aardvark, baboon, bird (other), buffalo, bushbuck, bushpig, caracal, civet, duiker, eland, elephant, genet, ground hornbill, hare, hartebeest, hippopotamus, honey badger, human, hyena, impala, jackal, kudu, lion (cub), lion (female), lion (male), mongoose, nyala, oribi, pangolin, porcupine, raptor (other), reedbuck, reptile, rodent, sable antelope, samango monkey, serval, vervet monkey, vulture, warthog, waterbuck, wild dog, wildcat, wildebeest, zebra

class SpeciesNameType(Enum<common name, scientific name>)

The type of species name to use in the GlobalBiodiversity service.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): common name, scientific name

class String(Any)

Any piece of text.

Base Type: Any()

class SuppDataOpt(Enum<MVT Recovered, Offense, Offense Sub Category, Larceny Type>)

Type of information to get options for supplemental data.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): MVT Recovered, Offense, Offense Sub Category, Larceny Type

class SupportedLanguage(Enum<English, Español, Magyar>)

A language supported by the CommonWords service.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): English, Español, Magyar

class TimeFormat(String)

A string describing the time format such as %m/%d/%Y. For a complete list, check out the table at http://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/docs_4.2/node274.html

Base Type: String()

class TimeOffset(Enum<-120min, -110min, -100min, -90min, -80min, -70min, ...>)

A time offset for a weather radar forecast from the RainViewer service.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): -120min, -110min, -100min, -90min, -80min, -70min, -60min, -50min, -40min, -30min, -20min, -10min, now, +10min, +20min, +30min

class TimePeriod(Enum<1 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min, daily, ...>)

Frequency of time series data to return from /services/FinancialData/index.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): 1 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min, daily, weekly, monthly

class ToggleStyle(Enum<switch, checkbox>)

The style to use for displaying a PhoneIoT toggle control, as created by PhoneIoT.addToggle().

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): switch, checkbox

class TouchpadStyle(Enum<rectangle, square>)

The style to use for displaying a PhoneIoT touchpad, as created by PhoneIoT.addTouchpad().

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): rectangle, square

class Tuple(List)

A list of a specific number of values of specific types

Base Type: List()

class USRegion(Enum<Territories, Northeast, Midwest, South, West, Other>)

The name of an (extended) US region, which includes a breakdown of the continental US.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Territories, Northeast, Midwest, South, West, Other

class USTerritory(Enum<Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, American Samoa, Arizona, California, ...>)

The name of an (extended) US territory, which includes all US states.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, American Samoa, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Wyoming, Mariana Islands, US Virgin Islands, Guam

class AnyOf(Any)

A value which is any of the listed allowed types.

Base Type: Any()

class VaccineCategory(Enum<total vaccinations, people vaccinated, people fully vaccinated, daily vaccinations raw, daily vaccinations, total vaccinations per hundred, ...>)

The category of vaccination data to retrieve from the COVID-19 service.

Base Type: Enum()

Options (case insensitive): total vaccinations, people vaccinated, people fully vaccinated, daily vaccinations raw, daily vaccinations, total vaccinations per hundred, people vaccinated per hundred, people fully vaccinated per hundred, daily vaccinations per million

class VibrationDuration(BoundedNumber<0.1, 10>)

The amount of time (in seconds) used by the PhoneIoT vibration utilities.

Base Type: BoundedNumber()

class VibrationStrength(BoundedNumber<0, 100>)

The strength of a vibration produced by the PhoneIoT vibration utilities.

Base Type: BoundedNumber()

class YearSince(BoundedInteger)

A year starting at some point and ranging up to the current year

Base Type: BoundedInteger()