The COVID-19 Service provides access to the 2019-nCoV dataset compiled by Johns Hopkins University. This dataset includes deaths, confirmed cases, and recoveries related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccination data is provided by Our World in Data.

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RPC Categories


COVID-19.getConfirmedCounts(country: String, state: String?, city: String?)

Get number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 by date for a specific country and state.

Date is in month/day/year format.


  • country: String (String) - Country or region

  • state: String? (String) - State or province

  • city: String? (String) - City

COVID-19.getDeathCounts(country: String, state: String?, city: String?)

Get number of cases of COVID-19 resulting in death by date for a specific country and state.

Date is in month/day/year format.


  • country: String (String) - Country or region

  • state: String? (String) - State or province

  • city: String? (String) - City

COVID-19.getLocationCoordinates(country: String, state: String?, city: String?)

Get the latitude and longitude for a location with data available.



Get a list of all countries (and states, cities) with data available.

Returns: List<List<String>> (List | String) - an array of [country, state, city] for each location with data available

COVID-19.getRecoveredCounts(country: String, state: String?, city: String?)

Get number of cases of COVID-19 in which the person recovered by date for a specific country and state.

Date is in month/day/year format.


  • country: String (String) - Country or region

  • state: String? (String) - State or province

  • city: String? (String) - City