The ConnectN AI service allows you to create games like Connect-4 or Tic-Tac-Toe and play against an AI that improves over time.
- ConnectNAI.getAIMoves(player: Enum<Player1, Player2>)
Gets the AI to suggest the next best move for the specified player.
player: Enum<Player1, Player2>
(Enum) - The player to make the recommendation for.
List<Tuple<Number, Integer, Integer>>
(List | Tuple | Number | Integer) - A list of recommended moves, each being[value, row, column]
. These are already sorted in descending value, so the recommended move is the first one.
- ConnectNAI.makeMove(row: Integer, col: Integer, player: Enum<Player1, Player2>)
Makes a move for the specified player.
row: Integer
(Integer) - The row to play at.col: Integer
(Integer) - The column to play at.player: Enum<Player1, Player2>
(Enum) - The player to make the move for.
Tuple<Integer, Integer, Enum<ok, win, tie>>
(Tuple | Integer | Enum) - Location (row/column) and result of the move. The location may not be the same as the input if gravity is enabled (see newGame).
- ConnectNAI.newGame(rows: BoundedInteger<3, 10>, cols: BoundedInteger<3, 10>, n: BoundedInteger<3>, gravity: Boolean)
Starts a new game with the existing AI session.
rows: BoundedInteger<3, 10>
(BoundedInteger) - The number of rows in the gamecols: BoundedInteger<3, 10>
(BoundedInteger) - The number of columns in the gamen: BoundedInteger<3>
(BoundedInteger) - The number of consecutive pieces needed to wingravity: Boolean
(Boolean) - Whether or not to use gravity when placing pieces, which makes them fall down to the lowest unoccupied row in the column
- ConnectNAI.newSession()
Creates a new AI session. This has the effect of resetting the AI to the point of knowing nothing about the game.
- ConnectNAI.useMaxDifficulty()
Sets the current session’s AI to the maximum difficulty.