
The GoogleMaps Service provides access to the Google Maps API along with helper functions for interacting with the maps (such as converting coordinates). For more information, check out

Terms of use:


GoogleMaps.getDistance(startLatitude: Latitude, startLongitude: Longitude, endLatitude: Latitude, endLongitude: Longitude)

Get the straight line distance between two points in meters.


  • startLatitude: Latitude (Latitude) - Latitude of start point

  • startLongitude: Longitude (Longitude) - Longitude of start point

  • endLatitude: Latitude (Latitude) - Latitude of end point

  • endLongitude: Longitude (Longitude) - Longitude of end point

Returns: Number (Number) - Distance in meters

GoogleMaps.getEarthCoordinates(x: Number, y: Number)

Get the earth coordinates [latitude, longitude] of a given point in the last requested map image [x, y].


  • x: Number (Number) - x position of the point

  • y: Number (Number) - y position of the point

Returns: List (List) - A list containing the latitude and longitude of the given point.

GoogleMaps.getImageCoordinates(latitude: Latitude, longitude: Longitude)

Get the image coordinates [x, y] of a given location on the earth [latitude, longitude].


  • latitude: Latitude (Latitude) - latitude of the point

  • longitude: Longitude (Longitude) - longitude of the point

Returns: List (List) - A list containing the [x, y] position of the given point.

GoogleMaps.getLatitudeFromY(y: Number)

Convert y value of map image to latitude.


  • y: Number (Number) - y value of map image

Returns: Latitude (Latitude) - Latitude of the y value from the image

GoogleMaps.getLongitudeFromX(x: Number)

Convert x value of map image to longitude.


  • x: Number (Number) - x value of map image

Returns: Longitude (Longitude) - Longitude of the x value from the image

GoogleMaps.getMap(latitude: Latitude, longitude: Longitude, width: BoundedInteger<1>, height: BoundedInteger<1>, zoom: BoundedInteger<1, 25>)

Get a map image of the given region.


  • latitude: Latitude (Latitude) - Latitude of center point

  • longitude: Longitude (Longitude) - Longitude of center point

  • width: BoundedInteger<1> (BoundedInteger) - Image width

  • height: BoundedInteger<1> (BoundedInteger) - Image height

  • zoom: BoundedInteger<1, 25> (BoundedInteger) - Zoom level of map image

Returns: Image (Image) - Map image

GoogleMaps.getSatelliteMap(latitude: Latitude, longitude: Longitude, width: BoundedInteger<1>, height: BoundedInteger<1>, zoom: BoundedInteger<1, 25>)

Get a satellite map image of the given region.


  • latitude: Latitude (Latitude) - Latitude of center point

  • longitude: Longitude (Longitude) - Longitude of center point

  • width: BoundedInteger<1> (BoundedInteger) - Image width

  • height: BoundedInteger<1> (BoundedInteger) - Image height

  • zoom: BoundedInteger<1, 25> (BoundedInteger) - Zoom level of map image

Returns: Image (Image) - Map image

GoogleMaps.getTerrainMap(latitude: Latitude, longitude: Longitude, width: BoundedInteger<1>, height: BoundedInteger<1>, zoom: BoundedInteger<1, 25>)

Get a terrain map image of the given region.


  • latitude: Latitude (Latitude) - Latitude of center point

  • longitude: Longitude (Longitude) - Longitude of center point

  • width: BoundedInteger<1> (BoundedInteger) - Image width

  • height: BoundedInteger<1> (BoundedInteger) - Image height

  • zoom: BoundedInteger<1, 25> (BoundedInteger) - Zoom level of map image

Returns: Image (Image) - Map image

GoogleMaps.getXFromLongitude(longitude: Longitude)

Convert longitude to the x value on the map image.


  • longitude: Longitude (Longitude) - Longitude coordinate

Returns: Number (Number) - Map x coordinate of the given longitude

GoogleMaps.getYFromLatitude(latitude: Latitude)

Convert latitude to the y value on the map image.


  • latitude: Latitude (Latitude) - Latitude coordinate

Returns: Number (Number) - Map y coordinate of the given latitude


Get the maximum latitude of the current map.

Returns: Longitude (Longitude)


Get the maximum longitude of the current map.

Returns: Longitude (Longitude)


Get the minimum latitude of the current map.

Returns: Longitude (Longitude)


Get the minimum longitude of the current map.

Returns: Longitude (Longitude)