
The Battleship Service provides helpful utilities for building a distributed game of battleship.


Like regular Battleship, the Battleship service has two states: placing ships and shooting at ships. During placement, it expects each role to place each ship on his/her board and will not allow the game to proceed to the shooting phase until each role has placed all his/her ships. Placement, firing and starting blocks will return true if successful or an error message if it fails.


  • place <ship> at <row> <column> facing <direction> - Places a ship on your board with the front at the given row and column facing the given direction. Returns true if placed successfully (eg, on the board and not overlapping another ship). Also, placing a ship twice results in a move (not duplicates).

  • start game - Try to start the game. If both users have all their ships placed, it should return true and send start messages to all roles. Otherwise, it will return with a message saying that it is waiting on a specific role.

  • fire at <row> <column> - This block allows the user to try to fire at the given row and column. It returns true if it was a valid move; otherwise it will return an error message like it's not your turn!. On a successful move, the server will send either a hit or miss message to everyone in the room. Then it will send a your turn message to the player to play next.

  • active ships for <role> - This block returns a list of all ships that are still afloat for the given role. If no role is specified, it defaults to the sender’s role.

  • all ships - Returns a list of all ship names. Useful in programmatically placing ships.

  • ship length <ship> - Returns the length of the given ship.

  • restart game - Restarts the given game (all boards, etc)

Message Types

  • start - Received when start game finishes successfully for any role. After game has officially started, users can no longer move ships.

  • your turn - Received when the given role’s turn starts.

  • hit - role is the owner of the ship that has been hit. ship is the name of the ship that has been hit, and row and column provide the location on the board where it was hit. sunk provides a true/false value for if the ship was sunk.

  • miss - role is the owner of the board receiving the shot and row and column correspond to the board location or the shot.



Get list of ship types

Returns: List<String> (List | String) - Types of ships BoundedNumber<1, 100>, column: BoundedNumber<1, 100>)

Fire a shot at the board


Returns: Boolean (Boolean) - If ship was hit

Battleship.placeShip(ship: String, row: BoundedNumber<1, 100>, column: BoundedNumber<1, 100>, facing: String)

Place a ship on the board


  • ship: String (String) - Ship type to place

  • row: BoundedNumber<1, 100> (BoundedNumber) - Row to place ship in

  • column: BoundedNumber<1, 100> (BoundedNumber) - Column to place ship in

  • facing: String (String) - Direction to face

Returns: Boolean (Boolean) - If piece was placed

Battleship.remainingShips(roleID: String)

Get number of remaining ships of a role


  • roleID: String (String) - Name of role to use

Returns: Integer (Integer) - Number of remaining ships


Resets the game by clearing the board and reverting to the placing phase

Returns: Boolean (Boolean) - If game was reset

Battleship.shipLength(ship: String)

Get length of a ship type


  • ship: String (String) - Type of ship

Returns: Integer (Integer) - Length of ship type


Begins the game, if board is ready

Returns: Boolean (Boolean) - If game was started