Wildcam provides access to wildlife images from around the world.
Current data sources:
- Wildcam.getCameras(latitude: Latitude?, longitude: Longitude?, radius: BoundedNumber<0>?)
Returns all the cameras that are stored in the database, optionally filtering by proximity to a central location.
latitude: Latitude?
(Latitude) - Filters results to only cameras within a given distance from a central location. Requireslongitude
also be set.longitude: Longitude?
(Longitude) - Filters results to only cameras within a given distance from a central location. Requireslatitude
also be set.radius: BoundedNumber<0>?
(BoundedNumber) - Filters results to only cameras within a given distance (in meters) from a central location. Requireslatitude
also be set.
- Wildcam.getImage(entry: Object)
Gets the image associated with a given entry. The provided entry should be exactly the format that was returned by one of the various search RPCs in this service.
entry: Object
(Object) - The search entry to get an image of
(Image) - The snapshot associated with the given entry
- Wildcam.getSpeciesList()
Returns all the valid species that can be used by
(List | Species) - All valid species in alphabetical order.
- Wildcam.search(startDate: Date?, stopDate: Date?, species: Species?, latitude: Latitude?, longitude: Longitude?, radius: BoundedNumber<0>?)
Searches the database for wildlife camera entries. Each return value includes information about the contents of its associated image. You can pass an entry to
to get the actual image being described.Arguments:
startDate: Date?
(Date) - The earliest date to include in the results. If omitted, no starting cutoff is used for filtering.stopDate: Date?
(Date) - The latest date to include in the results. If omitted, no stopping cutoff is used for filtering.species: Species?
(Species) - Filters results to only entries which contained the requested species. If omitted, no species filtering is performed.latitude: Latitude?
(Latitude) - Filters results to only entries within a given distance from a central location. Requireslongitude
also be set.longitude: Longitude?
(Longitude) - Filters results to only entries within a given distance from a central location. Requireslatitude
also be set.radius: BoundedNumber<0>?
(BoundedNumber) - Filters results to only entries within a given distance (in meters) from a central location. Requireslatitude
also be set.
(List | Object) - All data entries matching the search, in chronological order
- Wildcam.searchByCamera(startDate: Date?, stopDate: Date?, species: Species?, camera: Object?)
Equivalent to
, but can filter to only images taken by a specific camera.Arguments:
startDate: Date?
(Date) - The earliest date to include in the results. If omitted, no starting cutoff is used for filtering.stopDate: Date?
(Date) - The latest date to include in the results. If omitted, no stopping cutoff is used for filtering.species: Species?
(Species) - Filters results to only entries which contained the requested species. If omitted, no species filtering is performed.camera: Object?
(Object) - Filters results to only entries taken by a specific camera. If omitted, no camera-based filtering is performed.