
Access to Movebank, a free, online database of animal tracking data hosted by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior.


Movebank.getAnimals(study: Object)

Get a list of all the animals that participated in a specific study.


Returns: List<Object> (List | Object) - A list of animals

Movebank.getEvents(study: Object, animal: Object, minDistance: BoundedNumber<0>?)

Get a chronological list of all the migration events for an animal in a specific study.


  • study: Object (Object) - A study object returned by Movebank.getStudies()

  • animal: Object (Object) - An animal object returned by Movebank.getAnimals(). The animal should be part of the same study.

  • minDistance: BoundedNumber<0>? (BoundedNumber) - The minimum distance (in meters) between consecutive returned events (default 0, which gives all available data).

Returns: List<Object> (List | Object) - A list of chronological migration events for the animal


Get a list of all the sensor types supported by Movebank.

Returns: List<String> (List | String) - A list of supported sensor types


Get a list of all the studies available for (public) viewing.

Returns: List<Object> (List | Object) - A list of available studies

Movebank.getStudiesNear(latitude: Latitude, longitude: Longitude, distance: BoundedNumber<0>)

Get a list of all the studies available for (public) viewing within a certain max distance of a point of interest. Note that some of the animals involved in these studies may travel outside of this distance.


  • latitude: Latitude (Latitude) - Latitude of the point of interest

  • longitude: Longitude (Longitude) - Longitude of the point of interest

  • distance: BoundedNumber<0> (BoundedNumber) - Max distance from the point of interest (in meters)

Returns: List<Object> (List | Object) - A list of available studies near the point of interest