
Access to Berkeley Earth data. See http://berkeleyearth.org/data/ for additional details.

These RPCs take a region argument, which can either be a country or one of the following special values:

  • all land - get data for all landmasses around the world

  • global - get data for the entire Earth (including oceans)

  • northern hemisphere - only northern landmasses

  • southern hemisphere - only southern landmasses


HistoricalTemperature.annualAnomaly(region: String)

Get the 12 month averaged anomaly data for a region


  • region: String (String) - Name of region/country

Returns: List<Array> (List) - Monthly data points

HistoricalTemperature.fiveYearAnomaly(region: String)

Get the 5-year averaged anomaly data for a region


  • region: String (String) - Name of region/country

Returns: List<Array> (List) - Monthly data points

HistoricalTemperature.monthlyAnomaly(region: String)

Get the monthly anomaly data for a region


  • region: String (String) - Name of region/country

Returns: List<Array> (List) - Monthly data points

HistoricalTemperature.tenYearAnomaly(region: String)

Get the 10-year averaged anomaly data for a region


  • region: String (String) - Name of region/country

Returns: List<Array> (List) - Monthly data points

HistoricalTemperature.twentyYearAnomaly(region: String)

Get the 20-year averaged anomaly data for a region


  • region: String (String) - Name of region/country

Returns: List<Array> (List) - Monthly data points