
Access to NOAA Paleoclimatology ice core data.

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IceCoreData.getCarbonDioxideData(core: String, startyear: Number?, endyear: Number?)

Get CO2 in ppm (parts per million) by year from the ice core.

If startyear or endyear is provided, only measurements within the given range will be returned.


  • core: String (String) - Core to get data from

  • startyear: Number? (Number) - first year of data to include

  • endyear: Number? (Number) - last year of data to include

Returns: List (List) - the requested data


Get a table showing the amount of available data for each ice core.

Returns: List<Array> (List) - data availability table

IceCoreData.getDelta18OData(core: String, startyear: Number?, endyear: Number?)

Get delta-O-18 in per mil (parts per thousand) by year from the ice core.

If startyear or endyear is provided, only measurements within the given range will be returned.


  • core: String (String) - Ice core to get data from

  • startyear: Number? (Number) - first year of data to include

  • endyear: Number? (Number) - last year of data to include

Returns: List (List) - the requested data

IceCoreData.getDeuteriumData(core: String, startyear: Number?, endyear: Number?)

Get deuterium in per mil (parts per thousand) by year from the ice core.

If startyear or endyear is provided, only measurements within the given range will be returned.


  • core: String (String) - Ice core to get data from

  • startyear: Number? (Number) - first year of data to include

  • endyear: Number? (Number) - last year of data to include

Returns: List (List) - the requested data

IceCoreData.getIceCoreMetadata(core: String)

Get metadata about an ice core including statistics about the available data.


  • core: String (String) - Name of core to get metadata of

Returns: Object (Object) - ice core metadata


Get names of ice cores with data available.

Returns: List<String> (List | String) - list of ice core names

IceCoreData.getTemperatureData(core: String, startyear: Number?, endyear: Number?)

Get temperature difference in Celsius by year from the ice core.

If startyear or endyear is provided, only measurements within the given range will be returned.


  • core: String (String) - Ice core to get data from

  • startyear: Number? (Number) - first year of data to include

  • endyear: Number? (Number) - last year of data to include

Returns: List (List) - the requested data