
Access to NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory data collected from Mauna Loa, Hawaii.

See for additional details.


MaunaLoaCO2Data.getCO2Trend(startyear: Number?, endyear: Number?)

Get the mole fraction of CO2 (in parts per million) by year with the seasonal cycle removed.

If startyear or endyear is provided, only measurements within the given range will be returned.


  • startyear: Number? (Number) - first year of data to include

  • endyear: Number? (Number) - last year of data to include

Returns: List (List)

MaunaLoaCO2Data.getRawCO2(startyear: Number?, endyear: Number?)

Get the mole fraction of CO2 (in parts per million) by year. Missing measurements are interpolated.

If startyear or endyear is provided, only measurements within the given range will be returned.


  • startyear: Number? (Number) - first year of data to include

  • endyear: Number? (Number) - last year of data to include

Returns: List (List)