
The HurricaneData service provides access to the revised Atlantic hurricane database (HURDAT2) from the National Hurricane Center (NHC).

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HurricaneData.getHurricaneData(name: String, year: YearSince<1850>)

Get hurricane data including location, maximum winds, and central pressure.


  • name: String (String) - name of the hurricane

  • year: YearSince<1850> (YearSince) - year that the hurricane occurred in

Returns: List<Object> (List | Object) - All recorded data for the given hurricane

HurricaneData.getHurricanesInYear(year: YearSince<1850>)

Get the names of all hurricanes occurring in the given year.


Returns: List<String> (List | String) - names

HurricaneData.getYearsWithHurricaneNamed(name: String)

Get the years in which a hurricane with the given name occurred.


  • name: String (String) - name of the hurricane to find the year(s) of

Returns: List<Integer> (List | Integer) - years - list with all of the years that a particular name has been used for a hurricane